Making safeguarding personal at OPG

Contact Centre Advisor Sharon Dye talks about her role as a nominated safeguarding officer.
Contact Centre Advisor Sharon Dye talks about her role as a nominated safeguarding officer.
Ashok Chopra looks at how OPG is trialling a service that could improve the safeguarding of people who may lack mental capacity.
Simon Manby, Sirius Digital Product Owner, talks about the development of OPG's internal case management system and how it's improved ways of working.
Jan Sensier, OPG's deputy director of strategy and corporate services, talks about how OPG is planning to further develop its services over the next few years.
Public Guardian Alan Eccles was invited by the South Korean Ministry of Justice to speak at the 5th World Congress on Adult Guardianship in October. Angela Johnson, Head of Policy and Practice, reflects on the visit.
Amy Feetham, accounts paralegal at law firm Irwin Mitchell, discusses her experience of using our online deputy reporting service. Irwin Mitchell was the first professional organisation to use the deputy online reporting service which launched in spring 2018.
It’s been 18 months since we launched our online reporting service for lay deputies. Since then 6,000 reports have been submitted online, we’ve launched the service for public authorities and made changes to the design of the lay reporting service.
A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is the only way that someone can choose who they trust to manage their affairs if they lose mental capacity and aren’t able to do so themselves.
This month Ian Evans, Director at Thurrock Coalition, discusses how partnership working has helped to increase applications of lasting power of attorneys (LPAs).
This month Giles Meyers, Interim CEO at Carers Trust, discusses the importance of LPAs for carers.