Acting as a deputy for a loved one

Acting on behalf of a loved one after being appointed as their deputy can seem a bit daunting. We’ve got some hints and tips here to help you on your way to being the best deputy you can be. Getting started …
Acting on behalf of a loved one after being appointed as their deputy can seem a bit daunting. We’ve got some hints and tips here to help you on your way to being the best deputy you can be. Getting started …
It can be a tough time when applying for a deputyship. If you’re having to deal with the application process you’ll also be trying to manage certain aspects of life for someone who no longer has mental capacity. Here …
There is still time to share your views on proposals to modernise lasting powers of attorney (LPAs). The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) started a 12-week consultation in July and it’s easy to respond online or in writing. More than 140 …
Our FAQs blogs have now moved. Please see our 'Your questions answered' series below: Attorneys, witnesses and certificate providers Includes making a start and who to involve Completing forms Includes signing forms in order Payments and fees Includes cheques …
This week the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), in collaboration with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG), published a consultation on plans for how lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) can be modernised. Our modernising LPA project aims to improve the process of making and …
Katrina Morrison and the OPG Insights Team have been carrying out work to create a “customer journey map”. Here we discuss the different experiences of our customers and what’s next for the project. As part of OPG’s 2020 – 2021 …
It’s taking us longer than usual to process applications for lasting powers of attorney (LPAs). While we understand this can be frustrating, we’re working hard to continue to deliver our services. In the meantime, we’ve brought together some useful online …
We hosted our very first health and social care event to discuss ways we can help bridge the gap in access to healthcare for BAME communities. Over 370 people registered for the event. Around 150 joined us to watch the panel session live and the recording has been sent to those who couldn’t attend on the …
Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has launched a new service to support staff from across local authorities, social care, police and NHS, who are dealing with adults at risk. Staff from these organisations can request information we have on our registers to help them make urgent decisions about someone who may lack mental capacity. OPG aims to respond to requests submitted through …
We are hosting our very first event, aimed at the health and social care sector, to discuss ways we can help bridge the gap in access to healthcare for BAME communities. It’s taking place on 25 March between 10am-11am. We will explore options to ensure people always have a voice in their …