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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

We want to hear from you on modernising LPAs

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Attorneys, Digital, Future planning, lasting power of attorney, LPA

There is still time to share your views on proposals to modernise lasting powers of attorney (LPAs).

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) started a 12-week consultation in July and it’s easy to respond online or in writing.  More than 140 responses have already been received, with many coming from members of the public.

The consultation was launched to gather evidence on the best way to reform how LPAs are created, and it focuses on areas that are likely to need legislative change to make that happen.

We want to make LPAs safersimpler and fit for the future.

Safer – we want to create a process which improves safeguards against fraud, abuse and undue pressure.

Simpler – the process of creating and registering an LPA should be quick, accessible and user-friendly for all, with the option of a paper-based route if required.

Fit for the future – providing a service that is financially sustainable while keeping LPAs affordable is essential, as we rely on more digital services that are fit for a modern world.
Two men with piles of brown envelopes
This does not mean we are removing paper from the process. As part of this work, we are considering exactly how we can ensure that a paper channel with equivalent safeguards can be provided for those who need it.

Alongside the consultation, a series of workshops have taken place, giving the opportunity for in depth discussions on these areas. We’ve had a fantastic response with more than 100 people attending these events, including representatives from the legal, finance, digital and charity sectors.

This level of engagement is really encouraging. Thank you to everyone who has participated and taken time to submit a response. Each response provides us with valuable insight on the issues that matter the most to the public and stakeholders.

At the start of the consultation, a livestream question and answer session took place, featuring our Public Guardian Nick Goodwin, and representatives from MoJ Policy and Digital. The event outlined why the consultation is taking place and you can watch it again on our YouTube channel.

We are still keen to hear feedback from as many different sectors and communities as possible, and from individuals who are thinking about making an LPA or who have already made and registered one.

The consultation is open until 13 October 2021. If you would like to share your views, please respond online, on email, or in writing to:

MLPA - Vulnerability Policy Unit
Family and Criminal Justice Policy Directorate
Ministry of Justice
Post point 7.25
7th Floor
102 Petty France

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  1. Comment by Peter posted on

    My wife of 55 years and I have wanted to make our LPA for the last year or more but find the cost to set it up prohibitive as we do not own a property and many bank and savings accounts are in joint names.
    Having said that we would like to make a LPA if there is a more affordable safe way to do it.
    Barbara & Peter

    • Replies to Peter>

      Comment by Laura Crouch posted on

      Good morning Barbara and Peter,

      Thank you for getting in touch.

      We do have a remissions and exemptions available which will allow you to get your LPA for half the price or free providing to meet certain criteria, such as earning under a certain amount each year, you can find out more about how you can qualify for this on our website -

      You'll need to fill in the form and send along with your LPA. You can create the LPA online, with the use of our guide and then send it to us once signed. If you need any further help we have other blog posts on filling in your document or you can get in touch with us.

      I hope this helps,