Simplified process for verifying the death of a donor, attorney, deputy or guardian

[English] - [Cymraeg] We have simplified the process we follow after being notified that someone has died.
[English] - [Cymraeg] We have simplified the process we follow after being notified that someone has died.
This week the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), in collaboration with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG), published a consultation on plans for how lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) can be modernised. Our modernising LPA project aims to improve the process of making and …
We hosted our very first health and social care event to discuss ways we can help bridge the gap in access to healthcare for BAME communities. Over 370 people registered for the event. Around 150 joined us to watch the panel session live and the recording has been sent to those who couldn’t attend on the …
We are hosting our very first event, aimed at the health and social care sector, to discuss ways we can help bridge the gap in access to healthcare for BAME communities. It’s taking place on 25 March between 10am-11am. We will explore options to ensure people always have a voice in their …
Whether you’re in the process of creating a lasting power of attorney with a loved one or have just started acting as a court appointed deputy, here are some useful tips and ideas on how to make sure you’re acting …
At the Office of the Public Guardian we’ve been looking at improving the services we offer and to provide more opportunities for our stakeholders and customers to get the information they need in a format they want.
In recent months it's become much clearer just how important our online services are. With the world going online to communicate and collaborate we’ve been working behind the scenes to make the lives of donors and attorneys easier. We want to offer …
As we continue social distancing and with some of us experiencing self-isolation, we understand this raises questions about how an attorney or deputy can continue to fulfil their role. To help support you during this time, we have produced some …
A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is the only way that someone can choose who they trust to manage their affairs if they lose mental capacity and aren’t able to do so themselves.
This month Giles Meyers, Interim CEO at Carers Trust, discusses the importance of LPAs for carers.