Lasting powers of attorney: a powerful tool and an important choice You can continue doing things yourself as you normally would. Your right to do so is protected. For instance, you might have to go into hospital and want a... You can continue doing things yourself as you normally would. Your right to do so is protected. For instance, you might have to go into hospital and want a...
...behalf of someone who has lost capacity to make them for themselves. A court appointed deputy can be anyone aged 18 or above, and is usually someone who is a...
...for over 5 years. I wasn’t born with the hearing impairment, it was a result of suffering from meningitis when I was at university studying law. So, there I was,... reporting service which launched in spring 2018. “Prior to us using the online service, we completed reports in PDF format which was an inconvenient procedure due to there not... towards introducing the ability for our customers to track an application from submission to registration. This is a question we are frequently asked by customers contacting OPG, and we...
...generate all of the forms together so their clients can sign the forms in one appointment. We still provide a date checker so users can check the forms have been...
...Includes signing forms in order Payments and fees Includes cheques and applying for remissions and exemptions Attorneys, witnesses and certificate providers Includes making a start and who to involve Using...
Enter your email address to: subscribe for updates when new posts are published manage your existing subscription. Submit Please read our privacy notice to see how the GOV.UK blogging platform...
...Includes signing forms in order Payments and fees Includes cheques and applying for remissions and exemptions Attorneys, witnesses and certificate providers Includes making a start and who to involve Using...
...we’re developing our digital services. If you’re interested in helping shape the future of our blog and have any suggestions for future topics please tell us in the comments below....