...services. In the meantime, we’ve brought together some useful online tools to help you make sure you get your application right first time, avoiding further delays if corrections are required....
...information to hand so we can help you as quickly as possible. A list of what to include is available in the ‘reporting and making changes to your LPA’ blog....
...in her best interests. Maureen and Petra talked to us about how they raised the topic of planning for the future... Where were you when you first had a conversation...
...teenage twins, and a 21-year-old son who is autistic. Zoe has epilepsy and feels that this made it even more important to get an LPA in place to support her...
...will affect you. We’ll also use this blog and tell you about how the work we’re doing benefits those we seek to protect and to keep you informed about how...
...to find out if someone has one. Why it’s important to encourage people engaging with the NHS to consider an LPA, the benefits to the patient and benefits to the...
...news. To help explain how and when we do investigations, I need to briefly explain the legal framework we follow. Our ability to investigate concerns about lasting/enduring powers of attorney...
...to speak for you when you can’t speak for yourself. Everyone at our event agreed that we need to find ways to reach out to all areas of society so...
...of hospital care to an alternative setting in order to release their bed when a best interest decision on medical treatment is needed for a patient in hospital to find...
...capacity must be in their best interests. There is no specific answer as to what is in a person’s best interest, as every decision is unique to the person and...
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Office of the Public Guardian Blog
Insight and updates on the work of the Office of the Public Guardian for our partners, including the finance sector, legal professionals and third sector, as well as those working in the health and care profession.