Simplified process for verifying the death of a donor, attorney, deputy or guardian

[English] - [Cymraeg] We have simplified the process we follow after being notified that someone has died.
[English] - [Cymraeg] We have simplified the process we follow after being notified that someone has died.
Our FAQs blogs have now moved. Please see our 'Your questions answered' series below: Attorneys, witnesses and certificate providers Includes making a start and who to involve Completing forms Includes signing forms in order Payments and fees Includes cheques …
The Ministry of Justice’s (MoJ) consultation on modernising lasting powers of attorney closed on 13 October 2021, after being open for public response for 12 weeks. Over 300 responses were received through the online hub, direct via email and through …
There is still time to share your views on proposals to modernise lasting powers of attorney (LPAs). The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) started a 12-week consultation in July and it’s easy to respond online or in writing. More than 140 …
It’s taking us longer than usual to process applications for lasting powers of attorney (LPAs). While we understand this can be frustrating, we’re working hard to continue to deliver our services. In the meantime, we’ve brought together some useful online …
We are hosting our very first event, aimed at the health and social care sector, to discuss ways we can help bridge the gap in access to healthcare for BAME communities. It’s taking place on 25 March between 10am-11am. We will explore options to ensure people always have a voice in their …
Over the last few months, we’ve been working hard to make our Use an LPA service available to lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) registered before 17 July 2020. From now on, LPAs registered on or after 1 September 2019 will …
The world is changing. Digital has transformed the way many people think and act. The current Covid-19 situation has heightened this impact more so as more people have had to rely on digital channels. They are increasingly requesting digital access …
In response to the current COVID-19 situation we have worked a lot on the services we offer and how we can best respond to our stakeholders needs. With additional demands on the NHS and local authorities, we have introduced a faster service …
At the Office of the Public Guardian we’ve been looking at improving the services we offer and to provide more opportunities for our stakeholders and customers to get the information they need in a format they want.