Ten common mistakes made when creating an LPA

At OPG, we receive a large number of lasting power of attorney (LPA) forms from solicitors on behalf of their clients. Around 15% of these have errors of various kinds
At OPG, we receive a large number of lasting power of attorney (LPA) forms from solicitors on behalf of their clients. Around 15% of these have errors of various kinds
At OPG we're always trying to find ways to make it easier for attorneys and deputies to fulfil their role. We know from calls to our contact centre and from user satisfaction surveys, that one of the most common problems …
Recent changes in pensions regulations have shifted responsibility from the employer to the individual. So who will make pensions decisions for us if we cannot make them ourselves? This is one of the reasons why OPG thinks everyone should consider …
At the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) we are committed to providing better and more efficient services to our users. Over the past few months myself and a team of colleagues from across OPG have been doing further work …
We’re all living longer: statistically speaking, that is. A recent Medical Research Council study, for example, predicted that people will live on average into their late 80s by 2030 compared with their early 80s now.
We’ve noticed over the last few months that more people are choosing to make a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) online.