[English] - [Cymraeg]

We receive thousands of phone calls each week from people looking for help and information on the lasting power of attorney (LPA) process. This blog series answers your questions by breaking down the different stages of your LPA journey. Here we look at common questions about using your LPA. See also:
Completing forms
includes signing forms in order
Payments and fees
includes cheques and applying for remissions and exemptions
Attorneys, witnesses and certificate providers
includes making a start and who to involve
Reporting and making changes to your LPA
includes reporting a death and changing address
In this video we explain the codes and reference numbers associated with your lasting power of attorney (LPA). We cover, reference numbers, activation keys and access codes. You'll need these to use the online service 'use an LPA'.
I’ve completed my LPA documents, sent them in, and have received two letters with different reference numbers. Why is this?
If you have created a health and welfare LPA and a property and finance LPA you will have been sent a separate reference number for each one. The reference numbers for each LPA will be different. Both forms have lots of similar information and it may seem like a duplication, so we advise you check which reference number is for which LPA.
I have just received my LPA registration letter, what does my activation key mean?
Your activation key is a one-time code for adding a summary of your LPA to your online account that you can then share with third parties by creating access codes to give them. This is entirely optional. If you wish to set this up, please visit www.gov.uk/use-lpa. Your key will expire after 12 months but you can request a replacement on the website.
How do I get a new activation key?
Log into ‘Use an LPA’ www.gov.uk/use-lpa and follow the steps to add your LPA. Follow the on-screen instructions, selecting “No, I need to request a new key.” We will then send you a letter with your new activation key once we have processed your request.
My address has changed. Can I still request a new activation key?
You will need to get in touch to let us know a change of name or address. We will need details of your LPA such as a reference number, name of the donor and date of birth so that we can find your document on the system and update as needed. Do not change the LPA itself as this will invalidate it. The document remains valid with the previous name and address details showing. Once we have confirmed this has been done, you will be able to request a new activation key.
Log into ‘Use an LPA’ www.gov.uk/use-lpa and follow the steps to Add your LPA. Follow the on-screen instructions, selecting “No, I need to request a new key.” We will then send you a letter with your new activation key once we have processed your request.
I’ve been asked to provide a V-Code or Access code. How do I do this?
Once your LPA has been added to your online account, you will see an option that allows you to give an organisation access. Follow the instructions on screen and you will be able to generate access codes starting with a V. Each code is valid for 30 days.
I have been given an access code starting with a V. How do I view the LPA?
Access codes are specific to each organisation or person the donor chooses to share their LPA details with. Each access code lasts 30 days. To view the LPA go to www.gov.uk/view-lasting-power-of-attorney. You’ll then be prompted to enter the donor's last name and input the access code you received.
I need a copy of my LPA. How do I get one?
You or your attorney can use a certified copy to register your LPA if you do not have the original form.
A solicitor or notary can also certify copies of the LPA - they charge a fee for this.
Visit https://www.gov.uk/power-of-attorney/certify for more information on how to certify a copy of a lasting power of attorney.
I have lost my LPA and need a new copy?
Office copies are available in exceptional circumstances only, they cost £35 for an LPA, and £25 for an Enduring Lasting Power of Attorney (EPA).
You can email your request to opg_office_copy@publicguardian.gov.uk. Please include the reason, the donor’s full name and date of birth, the reference number (if known), your name, your role on the LPA or EPA, and a telephone number so we can call to take a payment.
Alternatively, you can call the office copies team on 0300 456 0300. The team is available from Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 3.30pm (Mon-Fri 09:00-15:30). Please be aware the team are closed on Wednesdays 9.00am until 10.00am.
When can my attorneys act for me?
For a health and welfare LPA, your attorney can only act for you once you’ve lost the mental capacity to make your own decisions.
For a property and financial affairs LPA, with your permission as stated in the document, your attorney can step in and help you with decision making before you lose mental capacity. For this to happen, you will need to select this as an option when you make the LPA.
When your attorneys act on your behalf, they’re bound by the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
How can I find out if someone has a registered LPA or Deputyship?
You will need to complete an OPG100 search request form. Details can be found on our GOV.UK page. We aim to respond to all requests within 15 working days.
[English] - [Cymraeg]

Rydyn ni’n cael cannoedd o alwadau ffôn bob wythnos gan bobl sy’n chwilio am help a gwybodaeth ynghylch llawer o wahanol bethau. Mae’r gyfres hon o flogiau’n ateb eich cwestiynau drwy ddadansoddi gwahanol gamau eich taith Atwrneiaeth Arhosol.
Yma rydym yn edrych ar gwestiynau cyffredin ynghylch defnyddio eich LPA. Gweler hefyd:
Llenwi ffurflenni
yn cynnwys llofnodi ffurflenni mewn trefn
Taliadau a ffioedd
yn cynnwys sieciau a gwneud cais am ostyngiadau ac esemptiadau
Atwrneiod, tystion a darparwyr tystysgrif
Mae’n cynnwys dechrau arni a phwy i’w gynnwys
Adrodd a gwneud newidiadau i’ch LPA
Yn cynnwys rhoi gwybod am farwolaeth a newid cyfeiriad
Yn y fideo hwn rydym yn egluro’r codau a’r cyfeirnodau sy’n gysylltiedig â’ch atwrneiaeth arhosol (LPA). Rydym yn cynnwys cyfeirnodau, allweddi ysgogi a chodau mynediad Bydd angen y rhain arnoch i ddefnyddio’r gwasanaeth ar-lein ‘defnyddio LPA’.
Rwyf wedi cwblhau fy nogfennau LPA, wedi eu hanfon atoch, ac wedi cael dau lythyr gyda chyfeirnodau gwahanol. Pam hynny?
Os ydych chi wedi creu atwrneiaeth arhosol iechyd a lles ac atwrneiaeth arhosol eiddo a chyllid, byddwch wedi cael cyfeirnod ar wahân ar gyfer pob un. Bydd cyfeirnod pob LPA yn wahanol. Mae gan y ddwy ffurflen lawer o wybodaeth debyg a gallai ymddangos fel dyblygu, felly rydyn ni’n eich cynghori i wirio pa gyfeirnod sydd ar gyfer pa LPA.
Rydw i newydd dderbyn llythyr cofrestru fy LPA, beth mae'r allwedd cadarnhau yn ei olygu?
Mae eich allwedd cadarnhau yn god untro ar gyfer ychwanegu crynodeb o’ch atwrneiaeth arhosol at eich cyfrif ar-lein. Gallwch wedyn ei rannu â thrydydd partïon drwy greu codau mynediad i'w rhoi iddyn nhw. Mae hyn yn gwbl ddewisol. Os hoffech chi wneud hyn, ewch i www.gov.uk/use-lpa. Bydd eich allwedd yn dod i ben ar ôl 12 mis ond gallwch wneud cais am un arall ar y wefan.
Sut mae cael allwedd ysgogi newydd?
Mewngofnodwch i’r gwasanaeth ‘Defnyddio LPA’ www.gov.uk/defnyddio-atwrneiaeth-arhosol a dilynwch y camau i Ychwanegu eich LPA. Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau ar y sgrin, gan ddewis “Na, rwyf angen gwneud cais am allwedd newydd.” Byddwn wedyn yn anfon llythyr atoch gyda'ch allwedd ysgogi newydd ar ôl i ni brosesu eich cais.
Mae fy nghyfeiriad wedi newid. Ydw i'n dal i allu gofyn am allwedd ysgogi newydd?
Bydd angen i chi gysylltu â ni i roi gwybod i ni am newid enw neu gyfeiriad. Bydd angen manylion eich Atwrneiaeth Arhosol (LPA) arnom gan gynnwys y cyfeirnod, enw’r rhoddwr a dyddiad geni er mwyn i ni allu dod o hyd i’ch dogfen yn y system a’i diweddaru yn ôl yr angen. Peidiwch â newid yr LPA ei hun gan y bydd hyn yn ei gwneud yn annilys. Mae'r ddogfen yn dal yn ddilys gyda'r enw a chyfeiriad blaenorol i’w gweld arni. Ar ôl i ni gadarnhau bod hyn wedi'i wneud, byddwch yn gallu gofyn am allwedd cadarnhau cyfrif newydd.
Mewngofnodwch i’r gwasanaeth ‘Defnyddio LPA’ www.gov.uk/defnyddio-atwrneiaeth-arhosol a dilynwch y camau i Ychwanegu eich LPA. Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau ar y sgrin, gan ddewis “Na, rwyf angen gwneud cais am allwedd newydd.” Byddwn wedyn yn anfon llythyr atoch gyda'ch allwedd ysgogi newydd ar ôl i ni brosesu eich cais.
Gofynnwyd i mi ddarparu Cod Mynediad neu God V. Sut mae gwneud hyn?
Ar ôl i’ch atwrneiaeth arhosol gael ei hychwanegu at eich cyfrif ar-lein, byddwch yn gweld opsiwn sy’n caniatáu i chi roi mynediad i sefydliad. Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau ar y sgrin a byddwch yn gallu cynhyrchu codau sy’n dechrau gyda V. Mae pob cod yn ddilys am 30 diwrnod.
Rydw i wedi cael cod mynediad sy’n dechrau gyda V. Sut ydw i’n gweld yr atwrneiaeth arhosol?
Mae codau mynediad yn benodol i bob sefydliad neu berson y mae’r rhoddwr yn dewis rhannu manylion ei atwrneiaeth arhosol ag ef. Mae pob cod mynediad yn para 30 diwrnod. I weld yr atwrneiaeth arhosol ewch i www.gov.uk/view-lasting-power-of-attorney. Yna gofynnir i chi roi cyfenw'r rhoddwr a mewnbynnu'r cod mynediad a gawsoch.
Mae angen copi o’m LPA arnaf. Sut mae cael un?
Gallwch chi neu eich atwrnai ddefnyddio copi ardystiedig i gofrestru eich LPA os nad yw’r ffurflen wreiddiol gennych.
Gall cyfreithiwr neu notari hefyd ardystio copïau o’r atwrneiaeth arhosol - maent yn codi ffi am hyn.
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am sut i ardystio copi o atwrneiaeth arhosol ar gael yma.
Rydw i wedi colli fy Atwrneiaeth Arhosol ac angen copi newydd?
Dim ond mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol y mae copïau swyddfa ar gael, maent yn costio £35 am Atwrneiaeth Arhosol, a £25 am Atwrneiaeth Barhaus.
Gallwch anfon eich cais at opg_office_copy@publicguardian.gov.uk. Cofiwch gynnwys y rheswm, enw llawn a dyddiad geni’r rhoddwr, y cyfeirnod (os ydych yn ei wybod), eich enw, eich rôl mewn perthynas â’r Atwrneiaeth Arhosol/
Atwrneiaeth Barhaus, a rhif ffôn er mwyn i ni allu ffonio i gael taliad.
Fel arall, gallwch ffonio’r tîm copïau yn y swyddfa ar 0300 456 0300. Mae’r tîm ar gael o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener rhwng 9.00am a 3.30pm (Llun-Gwener 09:00-15:30). Cofiwch fod y llinell ffôn ar gau rhwng 9.00am a 10.00am ar ddydd Mercher.
Pryd fydd fy atwrneiod yn cael gweithredu ar fy rhan?
Ar gyfer atwrneiaeth arhosol iechyd a lles, dim ond ar ôl i chi golli’r galluedd meddyliol i wneud eich penderfyniadau eich hun y bydd eich atwrnai yn cael gweithredu ar eich rhan.
Ar gyfer atwrneiaeth arhosol ariannol ac eiddo, gyda’ch caniatâd fel y nodwyd yn y ddogfen, gall eich atwrnai gamu i mewn a’ch helpu i wneud penderfyniad cyn i chi golli eich galluedd meddyliol. Er mwyn i hyn ddigwydd, bydd angen i chi ddewis hwn fel opsiwn pan fyddwch yn gwneud yr atwrneiaeth arhosol.
Pan fydd atwrneiod yn gweithredu ar eich rhan, maen nhw’n rhwym wrth egwyddorion y Ddeddf Galluedd Meddyliol 2005.
Sut mae cael gwybod os oes gan rywun Ddirprwyaeth neu Atwrneiaeth Arhosol gofrestredig?
Bydd angen i chi lenwi ffurflen gais chwilio OPG100. Mae manylion ar gael ar ein tudalen GOV.UK. Byddwn yn ceisio ymateb i bob cais cyn pen 15 ddiwrnod gwaith.
Comment by Dougal Bruce posted on
On line is not my preferred method of communication. Your site appears to offer every question apart from what I need to know... I am currently unsure if the LPA has been registered... I would be most grateful if you could confirm the status and advise me how to proceed. Yours faithfully Dougal Bruce
Comment by rebeccaparker1 posted on
Hello Dougal
Thank you for your message. We haven't published your full comment as it contains personal information. Unfortunately, we can’t comment on specific cases here.
Please contact the customer service team: customerservices@publicguardian.gov.uk / 0300 456 0300. It will help to have your LPA information to hand so we can help you as quickly as possible. A list of what to include is available here: https://publicguardian.blog.gov.uk/2024/02/13/your-questions-answered-reporting-and-making-changes-to-your-lpa/
Thank you
OPG communications
Comment by Charles Marks posted on
What happens to an LPA should the Witness die any time after it has been fully completed and correctly signed by them, the Donor and the Attorneys? Does this invalidate the LPA?
Comment by rebeccaparker1 posted on
Hi Charles,
Thank you for your question. The role of the witness is to counter sign to confirm that the pages were signed by the relevant person. Once they've signed it, they have no role in the LPA. Should the witness die at any time after it has been fully completed and correctly signed this would not impact the LPA registration.
OPG Communications Team
Comment by Charles Marks posted on
Thank you Rebecca
Comment by Hilary Flood posted on
Good morning
I can’t find anywhere to print out LPA forms on this website please can you send me a link or the paperwork required...
Comment by rebeccaparker1 posted on
Hi Hillary
Thank you for your message. We haven't published your full comment as it contains personal information.
The quickest way to make a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is by using our online tool at https://www.gov.uk/power-of-attorney/make-lasting-power.
You can download and print all the forms you'll need to complete an LPA from this page too.
OPG Communications Team
Comment by Dale Wilks posted on
How do I go about removing an LPA? Will I need the original LPA - which I don't have? I'm the Doner btw.
Dale Wilks
Comment by rebeccaparker1 posted on
Hi Dale
We would advise you contact the customer service team: customerservices@publicguardian.gov.uk / 0300 456 0300.
OPG communications
Comment by Adrian Brown Brown posted on
Is providing an Access Code to an organisation, via the OPG website, for a registered LPA, the same as providing the original or certified copy of the LPA?
I ask as I have provided a solicitor with an access code and they claim they need a certified copy of the LPA. There are no specified preferences or instruction contained in the LPA.
It appears to me lots of solicitors seem unaware of how the OPG register and digital access codes work, whereas financial institutions do appear to know.
Comment by rebeccaparker1 posted on
Hi Adrian,
Access codes allow a digital summary of the LPA to be shared with any third party that requests to see the LPA. Organisations do not have to accept this, but more and more are using this service on a regular basis. As each organisation will have its own internal protocols and policies, we recommend checking with them what their processes are.
OPG Communication team
Comment by Adrian Brown posted on
I am currently a deputy on a H & W LPA for my mother, my sister being the Attorney. As I am dealing more and more with my mother's matters how do i go about upgrading me to an Attorney alongside my sister on a joint basis but with both able to make decisions on our own. Do I have to cancel the existing LPA or do I just cake a new application with us both on it in the correct roles? If just creating a new one will this supersede the existing one, which will then no longer be valid? I understand my mother will need to be certified again by an appropriate person.
Comment by rebeccaparker1 posted on
Hi Adrian,
If your mother still has mental capacity and would like to add you as an attorney, she will need to make a new LPA. Once this has been registered the old LPA can be cancelled.
More information can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/power-of-attorney/end
OPG Communication team