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Your questions answered: Payments and fees

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

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We receive thousands of phone calls each week from people looking for help and information on the lasting power of attorney (LPA) process. This blog series answers your questions by breaking down the different stages of your LPA journey.

Here we look at common questions about payments and fees. See also:

Completing forms

includes signing forms in order

Attorneys, witnesses and certificate providers

includes making a start and who to involve

Using your LPA

includes reference numbers, activation keys and access codes

Reporting and making changes to your LPA

includes reporting a death and changing address 


How much does an LPA cost? 

 It costs £82 to register each LPA unless you get a reduction or exemption.

This means it costs £164 to register both a property and financial affairs LPA and a health and welfare LPA. 

 Fee remissions or exemptions are available based upon the donor’s financial circumstances. 


The donor is on a reduced income, can they pay a reduced fee? 

Fee remissions or exemptions are available based upon the donor’s financial circumstances.  

A remission is a reduction in the cost of an LPA application. If the person making an LPA (the donor), earns less than £12,000 a year before tax they may be entitled to a 50% reduction.  

 An exemption occurs when a person making an LPA receives certain qualifying means tested benefits. This means they aren't required to meet the cost of registering an LPA application. 

Eligibility criteria for remissions and exemptions are listed in the LPA120 form.

 How do I pay for my LPA application? 

The quickest way to pay the lasting power of attorney (LPA) application fee is using a credit or debit card online. You can do this when you make your LPA online or after using a paper form. 

You can pay OPG in one of three ways. Payment can be made by credit or debit card. We will send a text message requesting payment. This will include a link to the GOV.UK payment page and a reference number. 

Payment can also be made over the phone or by cheque. Our emails and letters will tell you how to do this and include a contact number for the card payments team and your reference number. 


Who are cheques made payable to?  

“Office of the Public Guardian” 


I paid for an application on the Make an LPA service, but I haven’t sent it in yet. Can I have a refund? 

When you pay for an LPA online and we don’t receive the application within 42 calendar days, a refund of the original payment is actioned. This is an automated process, and we cannot extend it. It takes between 6-8 weeks for it to be credited back into your bank or building society account.

If the 42 day period has passed and you still want to go ahead with your LPA application, please send it in to us with a covering letter explaining how you’d like to pay, for example, by a card payment. 


I’ve sent my LPA application asking you to contact me for payment. When can I expect to hear from you?   

Once we have received your documents, you should hear from us regarding your payment within 6-8 weeks. If you have provided us with a landline number, you will receive a letter. If you have provided us with a mobile number, you’ll receive a text and a letter. 




[English] - [Cymraeg]

Taliadau a ffioedd

Rydyn ni’n cael cannoedd o alwadau ffôn bob wythnos gan bobl sy’n chwilio am help a gwybodaeth ynghylch llawer o wahanol bethau. Mae’r gyfres hon o flogiau’n ateb eich cwestiynau drwy ddadansoddi gwahanol gamau eich taith Atwrneiaeth Arhosol.

Yma rydym yn edrych ar gwestiynau cyffredin ynghylch taliadau a ffioedd. Gweler hefyd:

Llenwi ffurflenni

yn cynnwys llofnodi ffurflenni mewn trefn

Atwrneiod, tystion a darparwyr tystysgrif

Mae’n cynnwys dechrau arni a phwy i’w gynnwys

Defnyddio eich LPA

Yn cynnwys cyfeirnodau, allweddi ysgogi a chodau mynediad

Adrodd a gwneud newidiadau i’ch LPA

Yn cynnwys rhoi gwybod am farwolaeth a newid cyfeiriad


Faint yw cost LPA?

 Mae’n costio £82 i gofrestru pob atwrneiaeth arhosol oni bai eich bod yn cael gostyngiad neu eithriad. Mae hyn yn golygu ei bod hi’n costio £164 i gofrestru atwrneiaeth arhosol eiddo a materion ariannol ac atwrneiaeth arhosol ar gyfer iechyd a lles.

Gellir dileu ffioedd neu mae esemptiadau ar gael ar sail amgylchiadau ariannol y rhoddwr.


Mae’r rhoddwr ar incwm is, a oes modd iddynt dalu ffi gostyngol?

Gellir dileu ffioedd neu mae esemptiadau ar gael ar sail amgylchiadau ariannol y rhoddwr.

Gostyngiad yng nghost cais am atwrneiaeth arhosol yw hwn. Os yw’r sawl sy’n gwneud atwrneiaeth arhosol (y rhoddwr) yn ennill llai na £12,000 y flwyddyn cyn treth, mae’n bosibl y bydd ganddo hawl i ostyngiad o 50%.

Mae esemptiad yn digwydd pan fydd person sy’n gwneud atwrneiaeth arhosol yn cael rhai budd-daliadau cymwys sy’n dibynnu ar brawf modd. Mae hyn yn golygu nad oes rhaid iddynt dalu cost cofrestru cais am atwrneiaeth arhosol.

Mae’r meini prawf cymhwysedd ar gyfer dileu ffioedd ac esemptiadau wedi’u rhestru yn y ffurflen LPA120.

Sut mae talu am fy nghais am atwrneiaeth arhosol?

Y ffordd gyflymaf o dalu ffi cais am atwrneiaeth arhosol yw defnyddio cerdyn credyd neu ddebyd ar-lein. Gallwch wneud hyn pan fyddwch chi’n cwblhau Atwrneiaeth Arhosol ar-lein neu ar ôl i chi ddefnyddio ffurflen bapur.

Gallwch dalu OPG mewn un o dair ffordd: Gellir talu gyda cherdyn credyd neu ddebyd. Byddwn yn anfon neges destun yn gofyn am daliad. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys dolen i dudalen dalu GOV.UK a chyfeirnod.

Gellir talu dros y ffôn neu drwy siec hefyd. Bydd ein negeseuon e-bost a’n llythyrau yn dweud wrthych sut mae gwneud hyn ac yn cynnwys rhif cyswllt ar gyfer y tîm taliadau cerdyn a’ch cyfeirnod.


I bwy y gwneir sieciau’n daladwy?

“Swyddfa’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus”


Gwnes i dalu am gais ar y gwasanaeth Gwneud Atwrneiaeth Arhosol ond dydw i heb ei anfon eto Allaf i gael ad-daliad?

Pan fyddwch yn talu am LPA ar-lein, a nid ydym yn derbyn y cais o fewn 42 diwrnod calendr, bydd y taliad gwreiddiol yn cael ei ad-dalu. Proses wedi’i hawtomeiddio yw hon, ac ni allwn ei hymestyn. Mae'n cymryd rhwng 6-8 wythnos i'w gredydu'n ôl i'ch cyfrif banc neu gymdeithas adeiladu.

Os yw’r cyfnod 42 diwrnod wedi mynd heibio a’ch bod yn dal eisiau bwrw ymlaen â’ch cais am atwrneiaeth arhosol, anfonwch ef atom gyda llythyr eglurhaol yn egluro sut yr hoffech dalu, er enghraifft talu gyda cherdyn.


Rwyf wedi anfon fy nghais am atwrneiaeth arhosol yn gofyn i chi gysylltu â mi i drefnu taliad. Pryd alla i ddisgwyl clywed gennych chi? 

 Ar ôl i ni dderbyn eich dogfennau, dylech glywed gennym ynghylch eich taliad o fewn 6-8 wythnos. Os ydych chi wedi rhoi rhif llinell dir i ni, byddwch yn cael llythyr. Os ydych chi wedi rhoi rhif ffôn symudol i ni, byddwch yn cael neges destun a llythyr.


Ni allwn roi sylwadau ar geisiadau ac achosion penodol yma ac ni fyddwn yn cyhoeddi cwestiynau sy’n cynnwys gwybodaeth bersonol.

Gallwch gysylltu â ni ar: / 0300 456 0300.

Bydd yn help os bydd yr wybodaeth am yr LPA gennych wrth law er mwyn i ni allu eich helpu mor gyflym â phosibl. Mae rhestr o’r hyn i’w gynnwys ar gael yn y blog ‘adrodd a gwneud newidiadau i’ch LPA’.


We can’t comment on specific applications and cases here and won’t publish questions containing personal information.

You can contact / 0300 456 0300.

It will help to have your LPA information to hand so we can help you as quickly as possible. A list of what to include is available in the ‘reporting and making changes to your LPA’ blog.

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  1. Comment by Paula D'attoma posted on

    I have tried repeatedly to pay for POA but struggle to complete payment.

  2. Comment by Penelope Matthews posted on

    l sent my LPA in to the Public Guardian in January, and then received a phone call from you. I paid my fees over the phone, and received a email, confirming my transaction.
    I have not received my LPA back yet, and was just concerned that l do not have to pay more.

    • Replies to Penelope Matthews>

      Comment by rebeccaparker1 posted on

      Hi Penelope

      Thank you for your message. We haven't published your full comment as it contains personal information. Unfortunately, we can’t comment on specific cases here.

      Please allow up to 20 weeks from receipt of your LPA for your application to be processed.

      If you have any questions about your application in the meantime or if you still haven’t heard from us once the 20 weeks have passed please contact the customer service team: / 0300 456 0300.

      OPG communications

  3. Comment by Penelope Matthews posted on

    Thank you for your reply, l had sent in my LPA, and someone rang me to take £82 payment.
    I was just worried it was more than that,