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Instructions and preferences now visible with ‘Use an LPA’ and ‘View an LPA’

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Attorneys, Deputies, General, Guidance, lasting power of attorney, LPA

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Clipboard with checklistWe’ve listened to feedback and have updated the ‘Use an LPA’ and ‘View an LPA’ service. Donors, attorneys and their specified organisations can now view the details of instructions and preferences in a lasting power of attorney (LPA). 

The Use an LPA service was introduced in 2020. It lets donors and attorneys give organisations access to view an online summary of an LPA, through ‘View and LPA’. This means the organisation can check the LPA is valid and download a version of the summary for their records.  

Over 908,000 LPAs have been accessed through the ‘Use an LPA’ service.  One of the features we consistently receive feedback about is viewing ‘instructions and preferences’. Previously, you couldn’t see the detail of any instructions and preferences so if an LPA had them attorneys would often have to supply the original LPA if details needed to be verified. This was time consuming and often hard to manage so we hope these changes make sharing details of an LPA easier for donors, attorneys and organisations. 

What does it look like?

Donors and attorneys will see a scanned image of instructions and preferences. They can check the detail before giving a secure access code to an organisation, for example a bank or energy provider. Organisations viewing the LPA with an access code will see the same scanned image of instructions and preferences as written in the LPA, including any continuation sheets with extra information.   

Example of View an LPA showing how details of instructions and preferences will be displayed

No change to the View an LPA or Use an LPA service

There is no change to how the View an LPA or Use an LPA service is accessed.  

When an LPA is registered, attorneys and donors are sent an activation key 

After creating a Use an LPA account they can then use this activation key to add the LPA to their account along with any other LPAs they have.  

 The donor or attorneys can then use the service to make an access code which they can give to organisations to view an online summary of an LPA.   

 You can watch this video about the Use and View an LPA service. 

This video was recorded before the updates to viewing instructions and preferences. 

Find out more

Read more about Use an LPA and View an LPA on our blog. 

Find frequently asked questions, service updates and information on lasting powers of attorney at Office of the Public Guardian - GOV.UK (

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Clipboard with checklistRydym wedi gwrando ar adborth ac wedi diweddaru’r gwasanaeth ‘Defnyddio Atwrneiaeth Arhosol’ a ‘Gweld Atwrneiaeth Arhosol’. Gall rhoddwyr, atwrneiod a’u sefydliadau penodedig nawr weld manylion cyfarwyddiadau a dewisiadau mewn atwrneiaeth arhosol.

Cafodd y gwasanaeth Defnyddio Atwrneiaeth Arhosol ei gyflwyno yn 2020. Mae’n gadael i roddwyr ac atwrneiod roi mynediad i sefydliadau weld crynodeb ar-lein o atwrneiaeth arhosol, drwy ‘Gweld Atwrneiaeth Arhosol’. Mae hyn yn golygu y gall y sefydliad wirio bod yr atwrneiaeth arhosol yn ddilys a llwytho fersiwn o’r crynodeb i lawr ar gyfer eu cofnodion.

Mae dros 908,000 o atwrneiaethau arhosol wedi cael eu defnyddio drwy’r gwasanaeth ‘Defnyddio Atwrneiaeth Arhosol’.  Un o’r nodweddion rydym yn cael adborth amdanynt yn gyson yw gwylio ‘cyfarwyddiadau a dewisiadau’. Yn flaenorol, nid oeddech yn gallu gweld manylion unrhyw gyfarwyddiadau a dewisiadau, felly yn aml byddai’n rhaid i atwrneiod ddarparu’r Atwrneiaeth Arhosol wreiddiol pe bai angen gwirio unrhyw fanylion. Roedd hyn yn cymryd amser ac yn aml yn anodd ei reoli, felly rydym yn gobeithio y bydd y newidiadau hyn yn ei gwneud yn haws i roddwyr, atwrneiod a sefydliadau rannu manylion atwrneiaeth arhosol.

Sut mae hyn yn edrych? 

Bydd rhoddwyr ac atwrneiod yn gweld delwedd wedi’i sganio o gyfarwyddiadau a dewisiadau. Gallant wirio’r manylion cyn rhoi cod mynediad diogel i sefydliad, er enghraifft banc neu ddarparwr ynni. Bydd sefydliadau sy’n edrych ar yr atwrneiaeth arhosol gyda chod mynediad yn gweld yr un ddelwedd wedi’i sganio o gyfarwyddiadau a dewisiadau fel yr ysgrifennwyd yn yr atwrneiaeth arhosol, gan gynnwys unrhyw ddalennau parhad gyda gwybodaeth ychwanegol.

Example of View an LPA showing how details of instructions and preferences will be displayed


Dim newid yn y gwasanaeth Gweld Atwrneiaeth Arhosol na Defnyddio Atwrneiaeth Arhosol

Nid oes newid yn y gwasanaeth  Gweld Atwrneiaeth Arhosol na  Defnyddio Atwrneiaeth Arhosol.

Pan fydd atwrneiaeth arhosol yn cael ei chofrestru, bydd atwrneiod a rhoddwyr yn cael allwedd cadarnhau cyfrif.

Ar ôl creu cyfrif Defnyddio Atwrneiaeth Arhosol, gallant wedyn ddefnyddio’r allwedd cadarnhau cyfrif hon i ychwanegu’r atwrneiaeth arhosol at eu cyfrif ynghyd ag unrhyw atwrneiaeth arhosol arall sydd ganddynt.

Gall y rhoddwr neu’r atwrneiod wedyn ddefnyddio’r gwasanaeth i lunio cod mynediad y gallant ei roi i sefydliadau i weld crynodeb ar-lein o atwrneiaeth arhosol.

Gallwch wylio’r fideo hwn am y gwasanaeth Defnyddio a Gweld Atwrneiaeth Arhosol.

Cafodd y fideo hwn ei recordio cyn y diweddariadau i’r cyfarwyddiadau a’r dewisiadau gweld.

Rhagor o wybodaeth

Darllenwch fwy am Ddefnyddio Atwrneiaeth Arhosol a Gweld Atwrneiaeth Arhosol ar ein blog.

Mae cwestiynau cyffredin, diweddariadau'r gwasanaeth a gwybodaeth am atwrneiaethau arhosol ar gael yn Swyddfa'r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus - GOV.UK (

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  1. Comment by Sue Rowe posted on

    My question would be: when Continuation Sheet 3 is used do you now ask for proof of a disability so profound as to render the donor unable to hold a pen to sign or make their mark?
    [Edited to remove personal case details]

    • Replies to Sue Rowe>

      Comment by kerstifourcin posted on

      Hello Sue

      We haven’t published the full comment as it includes personal case details.
      I can’t comment on individual cases on our blog. However, in answer to your question, whilst we do not ask for medical proof of the health condition the donor is safeguarded as a CS3 requires two independent witnesses. We send letters to the donor and the attorneys informing of the notice period, giving time for anyone involved to object to registration of the LPA.

      There is more information here: - download the LP12 guidance, with details relating to your question on page 37.

      Many thanks
      Kersti – OPG communications

  2. Comment by Anna Gregg posted on

    Does this apply to all LPAs where the online service is requested or only to new LPAs or those registered after a certain date?

    • Replies to Anna Gregg>

      Comment by kerstifourcin posted on

      Hello Anna

      This applies to all LPAs registered after 1 January 2016.

      Many thanks,
      Kersti - OPG Communications

      • Replies to kerstifourcin>

        Comment by Anna Gregg posted on

        Thank you for the quick reply, this is really useful to know. Thanks

  3. Comment by Lorna March posted on

    My Husband is an attorney for his Mam registered in 2019. He did not get sent a code to create an online account. How would he get one please ?

  4. Comment by Lorna March posted on

    Thank you, the original certificate is missing and no copies were made. This online facility will help us proceed with finances etc by giving a code to companies that require proof. Is that correct?

  5. Comment by Lorna March posted on

    Can you post the email address please to request an office copy.
    Thank you for all your help